Program Description - Polynesian Dance

Island Style Dance Studio & Performing Company, L.L.C.

Program Description – Polynesian Dance

Day (weekly):

Creative Dance I
45 m.
1 day

Creative Dance II                                        
1 hr.
1 day

1 hr.
1 day

Beginning Combo I Level 1, 2, or 3
1 hr.
1 day

Beginning Combo II Level 1, 2 or 3
1 hr.
1 day

Intermediate Combo I Level 1 or 2
1 hr.
1 day

Intermediate Combo II Level 1 or 2
1 hr.
1 day

Advanced Combo Level 1
1.5 h.
1 day

Adult Combo
1 hr.
1 day

Gracious Ladies
1 hr.
1 day

Level I Tahitian
30 m.
1 day

Level II Tahitian
1 hr.
1 day

Level III Tahitian
1 hr.
1 day

Show Group A
1 hr.
1 day

Show Group B

Promo Team
1 hr.
1 day

Family Discount: 1st child full price. 2nd child $4 off full price. 3rd + child $5 off full price.


Creative Dance I

Implements Needed:
·         Long Poi

This class focuses on natural movement and gross motor skills while gaining an understanding of some of the basics of Polynesian dance including short and long poi. Dancers are introduced to simple hand movements and their meanings.  Some fundamental technique is taught, but children are encouraged to express their own creativity through movement.  Class attire and implements required at each class.  Boys will be introduced to basic Haka technique.

Creative Dance II

Implements Needed:
·         Long Poi
This class combines Creative Dance I skills with more exposure to Maori, Hawaiian and Tahitian dance techniques, including short and long poi.  Some focus is placed on rhythm (the beat of a song), tempo (the speed of a song), and space (the floor space used and positioning of a dancer during a routine).  Class attire and implements required at each class.  Boys will work on basic Haka technique.


Implements Needed:
·         Long Poi
·         Ti Ti Toria Sticks
·         Practice Samoan Knife
This class is an excellent foundation for anyone who is interested in Polynesian dance.  Dancers will learn beginning Maori, Hawaiian and Tahitian basics including simple hand movements and what they mean, short and long poi and Maori “ti ti toria” sticks.  Boys will work on basic Haka technique and will be introduced to spinning techniques used in the “Samoan Knife Dance”. Dancers will also learn basic choreographed routines.  Class attire and implements required at each class.

Beginning Combo I Level 1, 2, or 3

Implements Needed:
·         Long Poi
·         Ti Ti Toria Sticks
·         Pu’ili
·         Practice Samoan Knife

Dancers should be proficient at Pre-combo skills before enrolling in Beginning Combo I.  This class will build upon the techniques learned in Pre-combo adding more advanced basics (technique). Dancers will be introduced to basic technique for the pu’ili (split bamboo sticks). Boys will work on Haka and spinning techniques used in the “Samoan Knife Dance”. Class attire and all implements required at each class.

Beginning Combo II Level 1, 2 or 3

Implements Needed:
·         Long Poi
·         Ti Ti Toria Sticks
·         Pu’ili
·         Practice Samoan Knife
·         Ili Ili

This class will build upon the techniques learned in Beginning Combo I.  Adding to the dancers implement skills, Ili-Ili (rocks) will be introduced.  Class attire and all implements required at each class.
Intermediate Combo I Level 1 or 2

Implements Needed:
·         Long Poi
·         Ti Ti Toria Sticks
·         Pu’ili
·         Practice Samoan Knife
·         Ili Ili
·         Uli Uli

This class will build upon the techniques learned in Beginning Combo II.  Focus will be placed on variations of the basics and perfecting skills previously learned.  Uli uli (feathered gourds) will be introduced.  Dancers are also taught pre-choreography skills and will be required to choreograph one Tahitian routine.  At this level, dancers are encouraged to learn quickly and stay on task.  Class attire and all implements required at each class.  Boys will work on basic “Samoan slap dance” motions.

Intermediate Combo II Level 1 or 2

Implements Needed:
·         Long Poi
·         Ti Ti Toria Sticks
·         Pu’ili
·         Practice Samoan Knife
·         Ili Ili
·         Uli Uli

This class will build upon the techniques learned in Intermediate Combo I. Dancers are taught choreography skills and basic teaching technique.  Dancers are required to choreograph one Auana (modern) hula.  The dancers are also required to teach their choreographed dances to a class assigned to them. The dancers are expected to be responsible and work hard in this class.  They will assist in all areas of preparation required to put on our yearly recital. This class is meant for serious dancers only.

Advanced Combo Level 1

Implements Needed:
·         Long Poi
·         Ti Ti Toria Sticks
·         Pu’ili
·         Practice Samoan Knife
·         Ili Ili
·         Uli Uli
·         Kala’au
·         Ipu
This class is highly advanced in nature and designed to build upon the techniques learned in Intermediate Combo II.  Training is both challenging and demanding.  Focus is on perfection of technique, timing, precision and execution of technique and dance.  Adding to the dancers implement skills, Kala’au and Ipu will be introduced.  The dancers are expected to show the type of respect for hula that comes with the knowledge that “Hula is the passing down of the history, culture and genealogy of the Hawaiian people”, with this knowledge it is expected that the dancers be responsible and work hard.  The dancers in this class will assist in all areas of preparation required to put on our yearly recital.  This class is meant for serious dancers only.

Adult Combo

Implements Needed:
·         Long Poi
·         Ti Ti Toria Sticks
·         Pu’ili
·         Ili Ili
·         Uli Uli

This class is offered for adults who are interested in learning and/or improving upon Polynesian dance skills, while also getting an excellent aerobic workout. Implements are required at each class.
Gracious Ladies

Implements Needed:
·         Long Poi
·         Pu’ili
·         Ili Ili

This class is designed for adults who are 40+ and who are interested in learning and/or improving upon Polynesian dance skills, while also getting an aerobic workout. Implements are required at each class.
Level I Tahitian

·         Rice Belt
The cultural dance of Tahiti is very aerobic and exciting.  This class is designed to give the dancers the opportunity to learn a variety of Tahitian dance steps. This class will introduce the students to a higher level of Tahitian dancing than their combo class and will prepare them for the next level.  This class is meant for serious dancers only.

Level II Tahitian

·         Rice Belt
The cultural dance of Tahiti is very aerobic and exciting.  This class is highly advanced in nature and designed to give the dancers the opportunity to learn a variety of Tahitian dance steps.  This class will build upon basic to more advanced technique.  Training is both challenging and demanding.  Focus is on perfection of technique, timing, precision and execution of technique and dance.  Dancers should be proficient with basic Tahitian before enrolling in this class.  This class is meant for serious dancers only.

Level III Tahitian

·         Rice Belt
The cultural dance of Tahiti is very aerobic and exciting.  This class is highly advanced in nature and designed to give the dancers the opportunity to learn a variety of Tahitian dance steps.  This class will build upon basic to more advanced technique.  Training is both challenging and demanding.  Focus is on perfection of technique, timing, precision and execution of technique and dance.  Dancers should be proficient with basic Tahitian before enrolling in this class.  This class is meant for serious dancers only.

Show Group A
Show Group A is comprised of Jr. Elite, Elite and Adult team members and our Company dancers. Show Group A dancers are required to attend their weekly show group class. Dancers will work on perfecting their performance skills and routines in the show. Dancers are also required to attend their weekly technique class. Performing Team is meant for serious dancers only.

Show Group B
Show Group B is comprised of Pre-teen, Jr. Varsity, and Varsity team members. Show Group B dancers are required to attend their weekly technique class. There is no class for this show group; dancers are expected to practice their dances at home. Performing Team is meant for serious dancers only.

Promo Team
The promo team is Island Style’s equivalent to a “Merrie Monarch” or competitive level group, thus the dancers will be expected to be very serious and committed. They will focus on becoming more precise as a group.  Promo Team dancers are required to attend their weekly show group class and their weekly technique classes. Dancers will work on perfecting their performance skills, formations, and routines. We will not compete as a group—our focus is performance only.

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